sudo apt install gdebiThursday, 3/18/21, 7:15 PM
sudo apt install gdebisudo apt install gdebisudo apt install gdebi, 10/4/20, 4:23 PM
PunkinThursday, 9/3/20, 6:53 PM security-audit-framework/
AlfaWednesday, 9/2/20, 5:36 PM
apt-get update apt install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms - Support for RTL8812AU Wireless Card Injection A while back, we received a feature request asking for the inclusion of drivers for RTL8812AU wireless chipsets. These drivers are not part of the standard Linux kernel, and have been modified to allow for injection. Why is this a big deal? This chipset supports 802.11 AC, making this one of the first drivers to bring injection-related wireless attacks to this standard, and with companies such as ALFA making the AWUS036ACH wireless cards, we expect this card to be an arsenal favourite. The driver can be installed using the following commands: apt-get update apt install realtek-rtl88xxau-dkms
linuxconfigTuesday, 8/4/20, 12:07 PM scripting-process-management-at-the-command-line
Track Wi-Fi Devices with a Directional Antenna & WiresharkFriday, 6/19/20, 4:54 PM
Peter GroomThursday, 5/7/20, 9:49 AM
Loving the Linux commands on the site :-)
Web Site:Peter Groom - IT Assessor, Troubleshooter & Consultant
Commands IT Troubleshooter
cityexamTuesday, 3/31/20, 5:53 AM is a job Portal which have updated all Latest city exams info, sarkari exam, sarkari job, sarkari naukri, sarkari rojgar, rojgar result, city exam Scholarship, city exam notification with full details.
Web Site:cityexam
Commands cityexam
CITY EXAMTuesday, 3/31/20, 5:51 AM
city exam gives you all the latest information about about Official Latest Jobs, city exam, city exams, Latest Jobs, Admission, Important and Online Form, Admit Card, Syllabus and Answer Key of All Sarkari Exam .
Commands CITY EXAM
VirusMonday, 3/16/20, 7:13 PM
Track coronavirus cases from the Linux command line: All: curl Country-wise: curl<country> Example: US: curl Italy: curl
Load thisSunday, 3/15/20, 9:05 PM
Command to open root in kaliWednesday, 3/11/20, 1:01 PM
sudo dpkg-reconfigure kali-grant-root
Add root to Kali 2020Wednesday, 2/26/20, 1:15 PM
If you would like to use root instead of the none superuser account kali, here are the instructions to do so: Issue command “sudo su” <Enter the password for kali user account> Issue command “passwd root” <Enter new password and retype that password> At this point you can log-off and re log-in or you can just switch the user and log in as root.
DeautherSunday, 2/9/20, 6:30 PM
Kick outFriday, 1/31/20, 8:32 PM
GreenDosWednesday, 1/29/20, 7:39 AM *** git clone *** cd GreenDos *** chmod +x
updateWednesday, 1/22/20, 10:32 AM
root@kali:~# apt update && apt -y full-upgrade root@kali:~# root@kali:~# [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ] && reboot -f then root@kali:~# grep VERSION /etc/os-release
DiscordTuesday, 12/3/19, 5:16 PM
Evil limiter commandsMonday, 10/28/19, 12:23 PM
scan scans for online hosts on your network. required to find the hosts you want to limit. hosts lists all scanned hosts. contains host information, including IDs. limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate] limits bandwith of host(s) (uload/dload). e.g.: limit 4 100kbit limit 2,3,4 1gbit limit all 200kbit block [ID1,ID2,...] blocks internet access of host(s). e.g.: block 3,2 block all free [ID1,ID2,...] unlimits/unblocks host(s). e.g.: free 3 free all add [IP] (--mac [MAC]) adds custom host to host list. mac resolved automatically. e.g.: add add --mac 1c:fc:bc:2d:a6:37 clear clears the terminal window.
Install Airgeddon KaliFriday, 10/25/19, 2:22 PM
Install Airgeddon Kali Linux Download airgeddon : 1. apt-get update 2. apt-get upgrade 3. apt-get install bettercap 4. apt-get install lighttp 5. apt-get install isc-dhcp-server 6. apt-get install hostapd 7. finish
Ivideon ServerFriday, 10/4/19, 11:33 AM
DDos from WindowsTuesday, 8/27/19, 12:43 PM
DDos from Windows use the correct IP and make a .bat file. @echo off color a ping -t -l 60000
Add an admin user to KaliThursday, 8/8/19, 12:24 PM
1. Open a terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T or clicking on the icon - logged in as root 2. Add a new user using: #useradd -m username -m to create the user's home directory 3. Create a password for the user: #passwd username 4. Add the user to the sudo group (to install software etc): #usermod -a -G sudo username -a to add and -G mentions the group name to be added to 5. Now finally change the default shell of the newly added user to bash: #chsh -s /bin/bash username -s to provide a new login shell for the user account
Security toolsMonday, 8/5/19, 1:29 PM
Tor browserWednesday, 7/31/19, 8:42 AM
apt install torbrowser-launcher
IP CalcFriday, 6/14/19, 2:36 PM
ipcalc with your IP will show you the range of your IP addresses
SpartaThursday, 6/13/19, 7:37 AM
AntivirusTuesday, 6/4/19, 12:23 PM
sudo apt install clamav clamtk
Krusader file managerThursday, 5/30/19, 11:05 AM
install it
10 things to add to KaliWednesday, 5/29/19, 9:29 AM
Evil LimiterTuesday, 5/28/19, 3:34 PM
Evil Limiter,Tuesday, 5/28/19, 3:14 PM
~# git clone ~# cd evillimiter ~# sudo python3 install evillimiter scan scans for online hosts on your network. required to find the hosts you want to limit. hosts lists all scanned hosts. contains host information, including IDs. limit [ID1,ID2,...] [rate] limits bandwith of host(s) (uload/dload). e.g.: limit 4 100kbit limit 2,3,4 1gbit limit all 200kbit block [ID1,ID2,...] blocks internet access of host(s). e.g.: block 3,2 block all free [ID1,ID2,...] unlimits/unblocks host(s). e.g.: free 3 free all add [IP] (--mac [MAC]) adds custom host to host list. mac resolved automatically. e.g.: add add --mac 1c:fc:bc:2d:a6:37 clear clears the terminal window.
sudo -i turn to rootFriday, 5/24/19, 1:35 PM
sudo -i
Commands sudo -i
TerminalsWednesday, 5/15/19, 4:35 PM
Tilix Terminator
wifi hackTuesday, 5/14/19, 12:44 PM
besside-ng wlan0
remove user passwordThursday, 5/2/19, 3:42 PM
$sudo passwd -d lab22
uname -aWednesday, 4/24/19, 9:30 AM
gives info on this OS in Linux
chmod +x file.shFriday, 4/19/19, 9:09 AM
AudacityMonday, 4/8/19, 11:04 AM
To record radio ences.html
MACFriday, 3/29/19, 5:20 PM
(1) ifconfig wlan0 down (2) macchanger -r wlan0 or macchanger -m 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0 (3) ifconfig wlan0 up
KismetMonday, 3/18/19, 3:48 PM
wifiteFriday, 3/15/19, 2:48 PM
arpFriday, 3/15/19, 2:45 PM
Arp Poisoning
ConkyTuesday, 2/26/19, 12:28 PM
Cairo-DockMonday, 2/25/19, 2:00 PM
KDE Plasma on KaliFriday, 2/15/19, 1:44 PM apt install kali-defaults kali-root-login desktop- base kde-plasma-desktop Kali linux customization on kde plasma
kodachiTuesday, 2/12/19, 9:55 AM
To Login as normal user (Recommended): Username: kodachi Password: r@@t00 Username: root Password: here To change the password for the user Kodachi and root in case you want to lock the PC with your own password use the following commands on terminal: passwd # changes Kodachi password su passwd # changes root password exit
change lazy with interfaceMonday, 12/31/18, 6:23 PM
Changing the passwordSaturday, 12/22/18, 6:02 PM
sudo su - passwd
sudo gnome-terminalThursday, 12/20/18, 9:37 AM
sudo gnome-terminal
pmkid-hashcat PW attackTuesday, 12/18/18, 2:14 PM cracking-wpa2-passwords-using-new-pmkid-hashcat- attack-0189379/
removing dataWednesday, 11/28/18, 2:53 PM
How to Recover Deleted Files from Pen Drive in Linux Install software using command "sudo apt-get install testdisk" Insert pen drive/disk drive from where you want to recover files. In 'terminal' type "sudo photorec" Select disk from where you want to recover files and selecting proceed hit enter. Select proper file system and hit search.
Install etherapeThursday, 11/22/18, 1:57 PM
apt-get install etherape
SynapticWednesday, 11/21/18, 12:13 PM
sudo apt-get install synaptic
Update LinuxWednesday, 11/21/18, 10:05 AM
sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade reboot Verify with cat /etc/os-release
adding gitTuesday, 11/13/18, 4:05 PM
sudo apt install git-all